Grace Covenant Church youth ministry is dedicated to make disciples of Jesus Christ for 6th–12th grade students. Through gospel-centered teaching, community, and partnering with parents, we seek to help our students love God, love the Church, and love our neighbors.
Wednesday Nights | 6:00 pm
During the week students come together for fellowship, games, worship, and to hear the Word of God faithfully preached. May these times be formative and helpful in stirring the faith of everyone who attends week by week.
Part of these Wednesday nights includes connecting and sharing with smaller groups led by qualified volunteers who desire to help walk with your teen through the year. Expect to hear from them as they too seek to come alongside your family and serve you.
Sunday Mornings | 9:15 am
On Sunday mornings, GCC offers a bible study for junior high boys and girls. High school students are encouraged to join a Core Seminar class which meets at the same time.