Our Sunday Gathering has moved to Denham Springs Junior High (401 Hatchell Ln.). Join us at 10:30am.

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
Psalm 139:13


Our purpose is to love and equip under-resourced and expectant mothers by sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through mentorship and education in a supportive community. This outreach ministry is designed to mobilize current church members to reach our community with a specialized focus on under-resourced pregnant women and moms in the Denham Springs area.

Monthly Gatherings & Mentorship

Monthly Gatherings

  • Gatherings will be once a month at Grace Covenant Church.

  • We will have guest speakers each time educating our guests on different topics of pregnancy and motherhood. 

  • We will  provide some snacks and refreshments. 

  • These gatherings will be the space to begin our mentorship and start building relationships.


  • The main focus of our ministry is to build relationships , share the gospel, and disciple the women that come to participate.
  • We need women from GCC to volunteer to mentor. The expectation is to communicate 1-2 times per week and to meet together once a month.

Opportunities to Serve


  • Meet one on one with women once a month and communicate in some capacity once a week.
  • Attend monthly gatherings. 


  • If you do not think you can commit to the expectations of a mentor, you can volunteer to attend the monthly gathering and get to know the women of Woven.
  • Volunteer to help with set up and clean up.
  • Assist with providing food for monthly meetings. 

Guest Speaker

We need women to share their passions, gifts, professional expertise at monthly gatherings about a certain topic related to motherhood, food/nutrition, parenting, pregnancy topics, photography, knitting/sewing, painting, meal planning, community resources, safe sleep.


  • Help watch children during monthly meetings

Contact Information

Please contact Allison Hillebrandt at (337)263-8843 to serve or get more info.