Our Sunday Gathering will move to Denham Springs Junior High (401 Hatchell Ln.) effective Jan. 19th, 2025. Join us at 10:30am.

Home Groups are intergenerational and meet in homes around the city for food, fellowship, prayer, and life-application oriented discussion of Scripture. In addition to all of this, home groups prayerfully seek out opportunities to serve the city of Denham Springs and the surrounding areas for the glory of God and good of the city (Jeremiah 29:4–57).

We meet for fellowship.

We believe that relationships matter. To be a follower of Christ means to be a member of his body, and we do not wish for anyone to be an amputee. Each believer has a role to play in the body of Christ. Each believer has something to contribute to the overall spiritual vitality and intentional effectiveness of our church. We want every person to be relationally connected and engaged for everyone’s sake.

We meet for bible study.

We believe bible study matters because God uses scripture to transform believers more and more into the image of Christ. Studying scripture in a home group setting supplements the time spent in the Word during our Sunday gatherings. The home group setting allows individuals to discuss various aspects of God’s Word that are particularly poignant during different seasons of their discipleship process. Being able to share with one another what the Holy Spirit is speaking through scripture can guard a person against doctrinal error or irresponsible application and can help a person discern the voice of God in the text.

We meet to serve others and one another.

We believe in loving our neighbors as our selves. We refuse to be mere consumers of the city of Denham Springs and surrounding areas. Instead, we desire to contribute to the overall welfare of this city. Each Home Group prayerfully considers ways in which they can utilize their time, talents, treasures, and spiritual gifts in service to their neighbors throughout the city of Denham Springs.